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Vocabulary (VIDEOS)

Dear students, as you already know, we have a new section in our English notebook (A4) for vocabulary only. The last 20 pages of the notebook are going to be used for this. The structure for Vocabulary homeworks would be: - Identify the word as a  Noun, Verb, Adjective or Adverb. - Write the meaning of the word in english (mandatory). For example : Alien: (Noun)  Supposedly from another world; extraterrestrial / C oming from a different   country ,   race , or   group I recommend you to check this Diccionary: Cambridge Dictionary As we previously checked on class, the first homework on this section is: Vocabulary #1 : Space Station 👽 1. station                  6. begin 2. busy                     7. easy 3. schedule              8. rise 4. ground                 9. set 5. workday             10. half Vocabulary #2 : Landforms Please check this links for the videos we were watching at our previous class: GEOGRAPHY VOCABU

Verb Lists

Dear students, please check this list and print it because we will be working with it: Verb List

GUIDES 2018-2019

Dear students, you can print your study guides from this post: Study Guide 1 : Life stories and some circle's things Study Guide 2 : The natural world