Dear students, as you already know, we have a new section in our English notebook (A4) for vocabulary only. The last 20 pages of the notebook are going to be used for this. The structure for Vocabulary homeworks would be: - Identify the word as a Noun, Verb, Adjective or Adverb. - Write the meaning of the word in english (mandatory). For example : Alien: (Noun) Supposedly from another world; extraterrestrial / C oming from a different country , race , or group I recommend you to check this Diccionary: Cambridge Dictionary As we previously checked on class, the first homework on this section is: Vocabulary #1 : Space Station 👽 1. station 6. begin 2. busy 7. easy 3. schedule 8. rise 4. ground ...
The purpose of this blog is to let you know what's going on during our classes, but especially for those students that for some reasons can't attend to classes. I'm going to post in this blog the most important information you need to know and I hope you will take advantage of this site to improve your English. You will find posts of the contents we are studying and videos that will help you to improve your language skills. As your English teacher...